We Are One:
"One Earth"
"One Humanity"
"One Spirit"
"One Grand Original Design"
These principles have been
guiding us for several decades. They conform to the messages of
the spiritual leaders listed on our home page and
countless other eminent teachers, and they represent the value
system humanity must aspire to if we are to survive as a species
and evolve in accordance with our divine-inspired birthright and
destiny as active participants in the Grand Original
The wisdom of the Great Teachers,
including Jesus of Nazareth, emphasizes over and over that there
is no greater aspiration to live for than to become a conscious,
compassionate, loving human being.
We took our first Reiki Master
class in 1997, and ever since that time an astonishing number of
notable new modalities caught our attention. The most
significant ones we have studied extensively are listed on our home page.
The amazing growth of in the number of
healing modalities available is indeed a remarkable, hopeful
indication that the idea is taking hold that there is more to
healing of illnesses than having your doctor prescribe pills.
The modalities each have their own focus
with techniques ranging from correctly placing fingers and/or
hands on the recipient, to using the correct breathing
techniques, to the application of symbols, to intonation, to the
correct imaging of colors by the practitioner, all the way to
release into unstructured playfulness. All these techniques have
their rightful place. The originators and teachers usually
emphasize the simplicity of their method and that the healer's
attitude is of overriding importance. His or her state of being,
and awareness that they are just an instrument for the divine
healing energy (prana) to flow through to the patient are key
for the healing. As a possible exception to this rule, in some
modalities such as Reiki and Karuna Reiki, some teachers
emphasize the correct application of the symbols, overriding the
importance attributed to the attitude or motivation of the
If our reading is correct that
simplicity, openness, and non-attachment to the outcome are of
overriding importance in spiritual healing, then the realization
of this circumstance would, or should, become a unifying factor
for all these seemingly divergent, individualistic healing
modalities. Then we would all recognize that each has equal
significance. The one who has an inclination for chanting will
use chanting in his healing sessions, a healing arts
practitioner who is in tune with the deeper meaning of colors
will do healing with colors, and a person with the gift of
intuition who feels the subtle energy with her hands will
position her hands on those parts of the recipient's body or
aura where she feels an energetic need.
But, most importantly, each will realize
that they are tapping into the same field of healing energy that
is beyond our physical reality, the same prana, the same life
force energy, the same repertoire of subtle energy that
stimulates the innate healing capacity in the patient, not
because of the healer's superior method, but -- if anything --
in spite of her "3rd-dimensional" emphasis on a method.
Unfortunately, however, numerous
modalities have adopted one common method of teaching and
practicing their art that appears contradictory to the tenets of
simplicity and clean intentionality: they require multiple
levels of study, usually taking years, before certification is
granted. They typically make no distinction between natural
healing facilitators who are able to quickly download the
necessary information and skill from the field with a minimum of
training, and others who diligently mark off all the
third-dimensional requirements and still have not really
mastered the art. It is not the diploma that qualifies but
other, overriding factors, such as focus, humility, love, and
willingness to serve.
Is the simple principle of love, which
should permeate all alternative healing modalities, at risk of
being replaced with mundane 3rd-dimensional requirements?
Perhaps it would be desirable to replace unnecessary
prerequisites for certification with more emphasis on what is
really needed for this service. Should we not just get out of
the way and be detached from the outcome? Should we not approach
any healing modality with an attitude of openness and simple
service to the energies from a larger field?
We do realize that the originators of
new healing modalities are, or were, highly conscious persons
who neither intended nor foresaw that their modality was
anything other than an effective way of serving our fellow human
beings. Not different from the emergence and subsequent
evolution of new religious groupings, which unquestionably
started with the purest of intentions on the part of their
originators, it is probably in the second and subsequent
generations of followers of any particular modality where
problems tend to emerge, where ideals become rules, where
methods that were experienced by their originator as working
well tend to become rigid requirements of the modality.
Following the trend of Western times, if
one teaches something that is to be received as meaningful in
today's system of course and degree offerings, it cannot be
"simple." There has to be a complex, intellectual challenge.
There cannot possibly be just one level. The entire teaching
must not possibly be conveyed in one weekend. There have to be
multiple levels of classes, and teaching all of them has to take
up more time.
It seems that this diversion into
required levels for certification of a new alternative healing
arts modality bears the risk of having one arguably undesirable
side effect that is consistently present in virtually all
modalities we have experienced: it renders the pursuit of
certification expensive -- and out of financial reach of many
potential practitioners. We hope and trust that the principle of
love, which is and remains the overriding condition in all
alternative healing art modalities, outweighs all financial
limitations the aspirants of certification might have.
It is for this reason that we offer a Spirit-directed program (which we call "AWE" -- Accelerated Well-Being Experience), in which we communicate a practical synthesis from many healing art modalities. It is a matter of principle for us to encourage those who join us for a study of the principles of 4th-dimensional spiritual healing and well-being to apply what they have learned, as they seem fit, in their own lives, to themselves, others, and the living system at large freely, joyfully, and without requirement of 3rd-dimensional certifications. For us, this is the spirit of the Oneness Principle.
Klaus and Gundi Heinemann
(excerpted from: Orbs, Their Mission and Messages of Hope )
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